Every road that's travelled teaches something new. Every road that narrows pushes us to choose.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

HAPPY Fathers Day....Right??

I stopped going to church on Fathers day a long time ago. It's not that I don't believe. To the contrary, I find evidence that God exists and that he is absolutely in control every day in both very big and very small ways. I believe that. My absence has more to do with what we as the created have to say about fathers and fatherhood on fathers day. It's about why we don't talk about the thing we should...and always talk about the things we shouldn't. It's about dishonoring fathers instead of honoring them. I just got tired of hearing about it ...so I stay away.

On Mother's day we talk about what the world would be like with out Mothers. How special they are. How they were there when we needed them. How they sacrificed for us. How they provide for our needs and we should honor them on this special day. I'm all for that. I'm glad we do it, I'm glad to do it, and glad I could teach my children to do. It is important to honor mothers for everything they do and say...and even don't say. I'm glad we do it. I don't want to take anything away from mothers and mothers day. I just wish we understood how important it is to honor fathers in the same way.

On fathers day we find every possible example of poor parenting, we hear about the little things the kids missed because daddy had to work or the "deadbeat" dad who doesn't seem to care about his kids or their mother. We get preached to about the importance about being a father in your kids lives and how poorly men are represented in the ranks of those who take parenting seriously. I know about all those things. I see them on the local 5 o'clock news channel, I hear it repeated ad-nauseam on the radio. I read about it everyday in the newspaper. I get it.

Couldn't we just have one day in which somebody just says thank you for what you do and let it go at that.

This is, after all, the musings of a mind that wanders.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I'm with you John. I can't stand to do Father's Day at church. Of course, I'm not a big fan of celebrating any secular holidays in that setting anyway. Sunday at church should be time "clearly" set aside for worship and praise. There will be plenty of time in the rest of the day to celebrate whatever.