Every road that's travelled teaches something new. Every road that narrows pushes us to choose.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Bucket List

I got this idea from Sean at Samish Patrol and thought I wanted to make my own. It's kinda cool to think about what you've done, what you've wanted to do, what you want to do now and, what you must get done. So here we go.

This is my bucket list.

  • (1) Cruise the Panama Canal, Visit Russia, Greece, Italy, and every state in the US

  • (2) Learn to raise chickens and cattle and other farm animals

  • (3) Work my own small farm

  • (4) Have Grandchildren

  • (5) Pastor

  • (6) Work less...Play more

  • (7) Travel the Transcanadian Highway in its entirety

  • (8) Work a Lobster Boat

  • (9) Write a book

  • (10)Take a nap

These are, after all, the musings of a mind that wanders.


cat said...

Cool. I personally want to go to the Czech Republic, Spain, Italy, Germany, and others. I want to get my pilot's license before I can drive (I'm currently working on that), and join the Navy. If I do any sort of missions trips, I would like to get involved with Wycliffe Ministries with their Vision 2025. Vision 2025 is a goal mark, they want to have the Bible translated into every language by then. So ya, I also want to do every sort of crazy and dangerous sport out there.

John Chappell said...

Wow... Alot of dreams. Dreams are the things that make life an adventure. keep dreamin!! Great List!

Sean Langdon said...

Great list! I would also like to have a small farm!

Anonymous said...

OK...I'll play!

1. See my daughter graduate from Law School.
2. Write a musical or an opera.
3. Play a concert in a stadium.
4. See Billy Joel, Led Zeppelin, and Bruce Springsteen in concert. (Elvis and the Beatles were on the list, but I missed out on those. Elton John and Bob Dylan were on the list and I saw them last year with my daughter...Good times!)
5. Attend the temple with all my children.
6. Go on a mission with my eternal companion, Mary.
7. Meet a prophet of God.
8. Go to the Holy Land and walk where the Savior walked.
9. Learn to cook fancy food.
10. Truly find a way to let my wife, my children, my brothers and sister, and all those whom I cherish know how much I love them. ( I guess they'll know, someday!)

There's more, but this is the top ten. I, too, like to find comfort in dreams...both old favorites and new visions.

One problem..."There's a hole in my bucket, Mariah, Mariah. There's a hole in my bucket, Mariah, a hole!"