Every road that's travelled teaches something new. Every road that narrows pushes us to choose.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Random Acts of Kindness: Matthew 25:35

In my last post. I mentioned a lasting impression that deserved it's own post. It was right out of the bible and I must say, it blew me away.

Matthew 25:35,36

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."

On my trip I had the great pleasure to witness and participate in just such a kindness. Let me be clear..It was not my idea. I was, as a matter of fact, just a bystander seeing the need and wishing someone would fill it. I was much to busy to get involved but certainly someone should. Confused? I'll explain....

I have spoken in previous posts about my older brother and my good fortune to have had him in my life. I also have a twin Brother, James(or Jimi as he goes by now). As a child I called him Jamey. I found out in the fourth grade he hated that. Now Jamey(I can't help myself) is 6 minutes older that me. He used to tell people I "was supposed to be the girl". Did I mention he is 6 minutes older than me? Do you know what happens when you take bread out of the oven early? It gets soft and gooey in the middle.

Now that you've met him. Jimi is an incredibly intelligent man, and talented. I've always known that. You don't grow up as twins in the same school and not find out one of you is less "academically inclined" than the other. While I struggled for every "D" I got, Jimi was "wallowing" on the Distinguished Honor Roll.(I'm not bitter)... What I had forgotten was how generous and incredibly thoughtful he is. Let me tell you why I admire him so much.

As we toured San Francisco it was not uncommon to see the homeless walking the streets, sleeping on park benches or scouring the trash for something to eat. It was shocking for me as I had heard about such things but had never witnessed it at in real life. Sure, I had seen disheveled people walking the streets or hanging outside local establishments panhandling for money. But I had never seen so much need right out in the open. For me it always seemed hidden away out of sight. I might not have noticed it had it not been for Jimi pointing it out. He didn't stop and say "hey there's a homeless guy". It was subtle and honest. He didn't intend to make a statement. He just wanted to do what God had done for him. God had sent someone to introduce the savior to him. He wanted to do the same.

Each time we ate Jimi would order his meal and, when it was possible, order another to go. As we left the restaurant he would look for someone who needed a meal and hand it to them and just walk away. He didn't wait for a thank you. He didn't make a spectacle of the act. He just handed it over and walked away. The first couple times I didn't notice. Eventually he caught my attention. Finally I got involved.

Jimi saw the need when all I saw was someones misfortune. Jimi filled the need while I looked for someone who should. Jimi was the embodiment of Matthew 25:35-36 and I..well... I was not. He had taken the gift he was given and shared it. I had taken the gift and hidden it away. I am reminded of the song, "This little light of mine". if you spent anytime at church camps or sunday school you know the rest of the song.

Every other experience on the trip was a blessing, I can't take that away. But this simple act of kindness was an inspiration. I can't forget it. It was a life- changing, eye-opening, God revealing, mind-opening, heart-warming simple act of love for, what I would have called, the unlovable. But God doest call them that. Never has, never will. It pains me to think of the many times God has acted in my life to remove me from danger, pick me up from my own dumb mistakes, and sent someone in to stand in my stead. I didn't realize how blind I truly was.

Jimi is only 6 minutes older than me. 6 Minutes has never felt like such huge expanse of time. But suddenly I feel there are years of wisdom packed into those six little minutes. I've said before I am lucky to have older brothers. This is yet another example why I feel that way. Thank you Jimi. It was a lesson much needed and well taught.

These are, after all, the musings of a mind that wanders.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I am happy that you got to experience an "aha" moment. They are great aren't they. I am glad that the experience has left a lasting impression on you.

On a side note, I really like the inclusion of your banner pics in the posts.