Every road that's travelled teaches something new. Every road that narrows pushes us to choose.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Quirkiness X 6 = Well, Me I Guess

Ok! I got tagged and I guess I need to come clean about some wierd things about me. (Thank You Mike!!)

Before I do....Here's the rules!!

Link to the person that tagged you
Post the rules on your blog
Share six non important bizaare things/quirks/habits about yourself
Tag six other people, link to their blogs and then let them know by posting a comment on their blog.

So here goes:

1) I am the worst person to sit down and watch a movie with.

I lose interest very quickly and end up leaving the room and/or finding something to keep me occupied until I get interested again.

2) I wish I had become a farmer.

3) I struggle to see the positive first in difficult situations.

I am getting better at this but......it is a work in progress.

4) I struggle to focus for long periods of time to the task at hand and because of this I often forget my keys on the way to my car.

I set my keys out in plain sight as I'm getting ready to go someplace and if someone moves them I will walk out to my car without them. (I also struggle with remembering to take my medications)

5) I love to fish! I will catch it, clean it, cook it. I will not eat it!

Do you know what fish do in the water??

6) I was a very good athlete in High School.

Now I tag:

These are, after all, the musings of a mind that wanders.


Sean Langdon said...

Great response! I also love to fish, though, it has been too many years since I have done so!

Lady G~ said...

I also enjoy fishing, but I guess I'm a little quirkier than you, cause I don't even like to bate my hook! :o) I don't eat any sea food. But I sure enjoy the "art" of fishing... very relaxing.

Oh, great list. I found your site due to visiting Giselle's blog. :o)

Anonymous said...

I've been reading Sunshine's blog now since September... Love it!
I cannot fish. In my whole entire life I've only caught 1 rainbow trout that was big enough to eat. Sure I'll take a rod and catch the ground feeders at our vacation lake, but I dare not eat those.
God Bless,

John Chappell said...

Sunshine is a very bright young lady. She is exceptional and it's good to know that her country may one day be in the hands of young people like her.